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  • Bascom is placing a highly focused emphasis on "rethinking trash", and re-characterizing what is referred to as trash as "discarded materials" in order to completely examine and efficiently utilize all recycling opportunities for the convenience of our customers and optimization of our environment. By viewing our customers as passing on valuable materials, Bascom revolutionizes consumer psychology surrounding the experience of responsibly and economically discarding materials. Bascom has strategically positioned itself within the waste management industry to develop a permanent advantage against all competitors by adopting the resolution that we will become the "world's smartest recycling company."
    Human, animal and industrial waste within the operating geography of Bascom comes in hundreds of forms and every imaginable circumstance. Bascom prides itself on understanding the basic chemistry and engineering sciences associated to properly handling the materials that our customers request we remove from their property. Bascom views our materials as an opportunity to economize and recycle, and the Materials Engineering and Management unit is in the business of understanding and having a plan for the optimal use of every chemical and material substance our customers encounter.